Dubai, UAE pet owners who are worried about their pet's weight might want to try giving them a vegan diet. Overweight dogs can get diabetes, heart disease, and joint pain. This is something you should definitely do after talking to a vet to make sure the food you pick is good for the dog's health. Vegan diets are usually lower in fat and calories than meat-based meals, so moving an overweight dog to one can help them lose weight. Your dog will feel fuller after eating less fiber-rich Dog Food Delivery Dubai , like fruits and vegetables. To keep stomach problems from happening, it's important to slowly add new things. Some high-protein foods you could give your dog are beans, chickpeas, and rice. The amino acids in these plant-based forms are very important for keeping muscles strong and for your overall health. Vitamins like taurine and L-carnitine may also help your dog get enough calories. A slower metabolism and not eating too much can be helped by feeding your ...